International instruc
Learn the Most Dynamic Martial Art on the Planet!
By far the largest range of techniques to cope with any situation!
Strikes, Throws, Strangles, Kicks, Joint-locks, Takedowns, Nerve Centres, Restraints, Attack Actions, Self-Defence
“The Mother of Japanese Martial Arts”
(Quote from Shizuya Sato, 10th Dan, Chief Director International Martial Arts Federation, Japan, regarding traditional Nippon Ju-Jutsu)
Safe, Effective, Positive Environment
We have a Great Dojo, NZ’s Highest Japanese Graded Instructor, Friendly Atmosphere, Helpful Team
Suitable for both Ladies and Men. Also Suitable for Law Enforcement.
You don’t need to be Super-Fit. Can-Do Attitude is far more important. We can show you all you need to know – Practice is up to you.
First 2 lessons Free – Come and Take a Look.
Top Floor Advocate Print Building, Fenton Street, Rotorua
2025 – An active programme of Training underway
New Members
We are inviting application for membership at our Rotorua dojo located top floor Advocate Print Building, Fenton Street, Rotorua. For more information, in the first instance please see our “Where-when” page at https://samurai-arts.co.nz/where-when/ which has most of the information you need. If you need further information please email us at enquiries@samurai-arts.co.nz
Cost: Adults – $40 per month. Students & beneficiaries $30 per month
Chief instructor, Sensei Dave Butler has been studying and teaching martial arts for 60+ years and is one of the most experienced instructors in New Zealand. He is assisted by long term students who have become accomplished instructors in their own right. For more detail please see our “About Us” page.
Properly taught, Japanese Bu-Jutsu (martial arts) provide students with a host of benefits that include:
- Self defence training
- Comradeship, Friendship, Teamwork
- Confidence
- Mental and Physical challenge
- A structured fitness and health programme
- Fun and motivation with discipline and safety
- Insights into history and culture of a feudal empire
- All regardless of age and gender
There are very few activities that offer a complete range of positive benefits at such a modest cost.
Usually students begin with self-defence as their prime motivation, but soon find that the other benefits are equally, if not more important. They continue because they enjoy what they do.
We look forward to starting you on a journey in traditional martial arts. Please see the Where – When Page in the menu,