Product Specifications
Action Martial Arts Supplies source a variety of martial arts products from various suppliers.
Some products are of vastly superior quality. Examples of these are Pro-Budo White Oak weapons made from genuine Shirokashi. These are intended for the experienced martial artist who wants a product that will serve its purpose for extended duration. Pro Budo export to Japan to compete with Japanese made products and are specified by many leading experts in the USA and Europe.
Another example of superior quality products are our new range of uniforms about to be released onto the New Zealand market. We have supplied our manufacturer with technical drawings of the superior finish required for Action Martial Arts Supplies’ Uniforms.
All new shipments of uniforms will be manufactured to this superior specification, which will rival the quality of the world’s best martial arts uniform manufacturers at a fraction of the price.
To illustrate the stitching detail , we show the 4 Size Charts and 17 Product Drawings below. Please scroll down to see all.
To improve your buying power, current stock will be sold at a discount as we transition to the new specification. Older stock is still of good quality, and comparable to other products on the market, but the latest specification goes just that bit further to exceed what is currently available on the New Zealand market. Martial Arts Wins ! The Customer Wins!
Please see Indicative Size Charts for our new range below – use only as a guide