Where & When

Training Details

Details for 2025:
Address: Top Floor, Advocate Print Building,
248 Fenton Street, Rotorua


Sensei Kazu Yoshida
Mixed Adult Class
Days/Times – Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5.30pm

Training for 2025 commences January 14th

Ju-Jutsu/Self-Defence class, Hanshi Dave Butler,
Mixed Adult Class – All welcome.
Days/Times – Tuesdays & Thursdays 6.00pm

For safety min age for  class is 14 years, no upper age limit

The following points are applicable to all who train at Samurai-Arts

Dojo Rules and Traditional Japanese Protocols Apply. Details shown on “Dojo Rules” page of this site. All rules are for safety, hygiene and to maintain discipline.
What to wear: Loose fitting clothes. (white cotton uniform can be purchased through club or at www.action.nz)

New Students are welcome to bring a friend if you can but not essential. We have a group of highly supportive members who will help you achieve your objectives. You will be made to feel welcome, in a non-threatening atmosphere.

Martial arts are not about hurting people. They develop Confidence, Fitness, Comradeship, Self-Discipline, Flexibility, Mobility, Coordination, Self Reliance and Dependability. In short, they develop health and character and provide everything you can get at a gym plus teach a form of self defence that may one day save your life or somebody else’s.
$40 per month in advance by direct credit.
$30 for adults who are students and/or beneficiaries
Account for fees: ASB Bank, Acct: Samurai-Arts Inc 12-3155-0271271-00 Discounts for families
Account for purchase of uniforms, training accessories, syllabus and other merchandise: TSB: 15-3959-0604035-00

Also available:
Syllabus – A printed syllabus book is available after your first month at $30 cost

Club uniforms and monograms can be purchased.

Grading fee: $25 per Kyu grade up to Blue belt.

Contact: Drop in to the dojo on a training night, send an email to the address below or call Steve on 0275330297 : enquiries@samurai-arts.co.nz

Member and non-member Communication

Facebook: View our public Samurai-Arts Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SamuraiArts

Once accepted as a financial member you will be invited to join our Samurai-Arts members Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1769229849958280 . This page is a members-only page where we discuss training, past or upcoming events, and use it as a communications portal.